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Jonathan French, D.C.


Newmanstown, PA
This wonderful new technique is truly a godsend, and I look forward to making the validation and application of Quantum Touch the chief focus of my professional life, as well as major component of my personal life. I am certain that with further research, the application of Quantum-Touch will become the first action we resort to when someone is in pain, precisely because it is instinctive, natural and effective. This work is truly a gift to humanity.


Dr. Jerry Pittman, M.D.


In its elegance, Quantum-Touch provides healing bioenergy for the healer as well as for the person seeking healing

Dr. Eileen M. Wright, M.D.


I  recommend Quantum-Touch to anyone who wants to know the intrinsic power they possess to help heal themselves and others.



Dr. William S. Eidelman, M.D.


Quantum-Touch is a remarkably effective and easily learned method of generating powerful healing energy.


Dr. Patricia Warkus, M.D.


Quantum-Touch is a powerful hands-on healing technique that can be used effectively by lay people as well as professionals. I highly recommend it. 


Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.


Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association
Quantum Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.



Librada M. Manaligod, M.D.


This is a blessed tool to help another soul. It is indispensable for health pracitioners.



Jim Oschman, Ph.D.


Author of Energy Medicine, the Scientific Basis
Invaluable to All Health Professionals. For the researcher, the phenomenon of Quantum-Touch represents an opportunity far too important to pass up.


Dr. Leonard Laskow, M.D.


Author of Healing With Love: A Breakthrough Mind/Body Medical Program for Healing Yourself and Others
Quantum-Touch can make profound shifts in people's lives.


David Kamnitzer, D.C.


Quantum-Touch is an easily learnable skill that can provide balance, healing, comfort, and postural realignment. I salute Richard Gordon's unique gift for making difficult concepts readily accessible, and for his commitment to bringing this work to the world. 



John Jacobs, Ph.D.


I am thrilled at the simplicity and the effectiveness of this technique. Quantum-Touch is a great awakening.



Dr. Hahib Abdullah, D.C.


I love Quantum-Touch. Quantum-Touch is an exaltation of energy work.



Dr. Sandra Alstrand, L.Ac


Quantum-Touch is an amazing method of healing.



Dr. Darla Parr, D.C.


You actually have to see this work to know how good it is. Bones move into alignment with just a light touch, and it speeds up the healing process.



Jacquelyn Lorell, L.Ac.


Surprisingly quick and effective healing. I highly recommend this method.



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